Another Good Appointment.


“Ridicule is Nothing to be Scared Of’’ 2006.

James Gobel.

Had another very good appointment at 13.00 today with Denis from Quattron and my Occupational Therapist Johanneke.

Denis measured me up for cushions, they will give me a stable position in bed, look forward to that, should get them in March.

It was only an appointment of 1 hour and 30 minutes, but I feel very tired now and so does Richie.

Be good to get these cushions, as I can not maintain a stable position in bed, and have spent ail afternoon collapsed. to the left.

This is very tiring and creates a lot of unnecessary stress which I do not need, not with all the stress of having Progressive MS.

Luckily Richie has found some more pillows and cushions and I am sitting alright now.which is brilliant after the last couple of hours of discomfort.

Off for a shower now and before that, maybe even a haircut, that would be pleasant, as my hair isa getting long on top.

See if Richie is feeling up to doing my hair tonight, as he seems to be getting a cold, hope I do not get it too.

Looking forward to a quiet relaxing evening now and a delicious dinner..

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